
Communication between the school and parents happens in a number of ways.

Compass School Manager – The school now uses the Compass School Manager as the primary source of communication.  You can login to Compass here.

Email – All teachers have an email address and parents are welcome to communicate with the class and specialist teachers via email. Please be mindful that teachers may not respond immediately, particularly during class time and on evenings and weekends.

Bundoora Bulletin – The Bundoora Bulletin will be published in weeks 2, 6 and 10 via Compass. Please ensure you read the Bulletin for important dates and other information.

School Assembly – Held every Friday Afternoon at 2:30pm in the Hall. The assembly runs for approximately 30 minutes. All parents and members of our school community are welcome to attend. Pupil of the Week awards are made at assembly.

In person – Teachers and other staff are available to meet in person. Please be mindful of the teachers’ time if speaking to them ad hoc before or afterclass. For longer discussions, it is best to make a time to meet with the teachers to get a better outcome.

An Emergency Contact file is kept in the school’s office.  The file contains emergency contact information for each student enrolled.  This is used in the event that immediate contact needs to be made with parents/carers in the event of an emergency. Parents/carers must notify the school immediately should there be any changes to their child’s contact or health information throughout the year.  It is imperative that we have up-to-date contact details for all students at all times.



What does Compass do for me?

Using Compass allows you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about our school and
your child’s progress. Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:

  • Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with your child’s teachers, and update your family contact details
  • View your child’s timetable and the school calendar
  • Monitor your child’s homework and assessment tasks
  • Download and view your child’s progress and semester reports
  • Book parent-teacher conferences
  • Pay and provide consent for events and school fees

Our school will advise parents when each of these features becomes available for parent use.

Accessing Compass

Compass is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Chrome, Safari) or by using the Compass iOS or Android apps. Search for ‘Compass School Manager’ in the
store or click on the relevant logo below:


Every family receives a separate login to Compass, which will be provided to you by our school. To access
the parent portal, go to our school’s Compass link. If you do not have your login information, please contact the office.

Alternatively, if you are having trouble finding the Compass link you can go to
where you can search for and find our school’s direct URL.

Logging in to Compass

To log in you will require your unique family username and password. These details will be provided
to you by our school. If you do not have your login information or are having trouble logging in, please contact the office.

Upon first login, you will be required to change your password and confirm your email address and
mobile phone number. These details may be used by our school for SMS, password recovery and
email communication throughout the year.

If you have lost your details or forgotten your password, you can recover your details by clicking the
‘Can’t access your account?’ link on the front page.

For more information on accessing Compass and how to navigate the system, please download the Parent Brochure V18.