At Bundoora Primary School we understand how vital literacy skills are to support all learning and use evidence-based methods to ensure all students succeed and thrive in this area.
We understand that explicit and systematic teaching of fundamental knowledge and skills underpins the teaching of literacy to provide the best possible environment for all students to develop the ability to read, write and understand the rules that govern the English language.
Reading is made of 6 key areas:
- Phonological Awareness
- Phonics
- Sight Words
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
Our structured reading and writing approach includes:
- Phonological awareness and phonics skill screening on arrival
- Explicit teaching of phonological awareness and phonics
- Automaticity training in the recognition of irregular words/ high frequency words
- Guided practice to improve fluency
- Vocabulary development. Including structured morphology from Prep to 6
- Explicit teaching of comprehension strategies
We welcome enquiries about our approach.